The Ruminator

The Ruminator

Do judges who get the big job on the bench have take logic in law school? President Trump’s new and improved immigration restriction order was halted or interfered with, much like the last one. Hawaii federal judge Derrick Watson, while displaying his command of extremely large word, said the ‘illogic of the Government’s contentions is palpable.’ All right. I wonder if he goes out of his way to make sure we have no idea what he’s talking about. I guess what he means is its easy to understand what the The Donald’s Government really wants to do, ban Muslims from entering the country. But when Barack the First wrote the list of banned countries in the first place, he didn’t want to ban Muslims? But I digress. Watson expounds on his flawed theory that because there are lots of Muslims in the six countries, and the order targets those six countries, ipso facto, e pluribus unum, post hoc proctor es nonsense, the government is targeting muslims. But leaves out Pakistan? And India? Or Indonesia? Turkey is 98% muslim but those dunderheads at the AG’s office forgot to put them on the list? The magic six on the immigrant ban don’t even crack the top seven muslim dominant countries by population or percentage. Judge Watson should understand that just because he uses big words is like using only expensive duct tape to wrap frozen pipes; they don’t hold water either.
Your Ruminator, Dave.