MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 29, 2024: On the supremacy of Christ … Paul’s letter to the churches in Asia and how those same churches were addressed by Jesus.

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, Sharon and the Morning Show audience, delves into the circular letter Paul wrote to the church in Colossae and relates it to how those same churches were addressed by Jesus in John’s Revelation.

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 22, 2024: Paul Prison Epistles include his letter to the church at Colossae …

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, highlights Paul’s circular letter to the church at Colossae and a mysterious letter to the church at Laodicia that no one has seen since.

MORNING SHOW, JULY 25, 2024: The feeding of the 5,000 according to Peter via Mark, including the walking on water part …

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines Mark’s account of these miracles and relates the varying accounts from the companion Gospels.

MORNING SHOW, JULY 18, 2024: The Apostle Paul set the standard for overcoming cultural barriers to the Gospel

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with his friend and former cohort Pastor Steve Hersey, Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, explores Ephesians, highlighting the cultural barriers that still challenge missionaries around the world today.

MORNING SHOW, JULY 12, 2024: Did Amos wear overalls? …a look at the blue-collar prophet and how that connects with Mark 6:7-13.

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David, Sharon and the Morning Show audience, explains how a prophet who tended sheep and cultivated sycamore figs could be called to something higher, an allusion to Mark 6:7-13.

MORNING SHOW, JULY 4, 2024: Did Ezkiel’s experience in Babylon presage Jesus’ reception at the synagogue in Nazareth?

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, reveals the harrowing challenges experienced by both Ezekiel and Jesus in addressing a rebellious people.

MORNING SHOW, JUNE 20, 2024: Mark 4 & 5 … parables for an audience that hears but does not understand and a supernatural weather event.

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience explains how and why Jesus used parables to train His disciples and how that strange storm on Galilee fits the pattern.

MORNING SHOW, JUNE 13, 2024: Did Jesus’ family really think He was “out of His mind”?

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and the Morning Show audience, offers a forensic look at Jesus’ family’s claim that He was “out of His mind” as recorded in Mark 3 and then moves on to the Kingdom Parables in Mark 4.

MORNING SHOW, JUNE 6, 2024: The Lord of the Sabbath — “lawfare” was used as a weapon in first century Israel, too …

Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, furnishes the backstory on how the Pharisees attempted to entrap Jesus and His disciples using Sabbath regulations for picking grain as recorded in both Luke 6 and Matthew 12.

MORNING SHOW, MAY 30, 2024: Just where does the idea of The Trinity come from?

On the heels of the liturgical Trinity Sunday, Pastor Robbie Pruitt of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, explains the nature of The Holy Trinity, presenting the biblical evidence for the three-fold nature of God.