MORNING SHOW, MAY 26, 2020: Genesis 10, 11 and how “here” finally got a name …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, continues our journey through Genesis and the Table of Nations, revealing the location of Babel, the plain of Shinar and how people names eventually became place names …

MORNING SHOW, MAY 19, 2020: When pure science gives way to applied science, what happens to objectivity?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines the difference between pure science and applied science, particularly in light of the COVID-19 pandemic …

MORNING SHOW, MAY 12, 2020: Genesis 9 …did God take a mulligan?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, explains God’s revisions in His original covenant with human kind and the dramatic expansion of what constitutes “fare game” …

MORNING SHOW, MAY 5, 2020: If science values accuracy and precision in data, by what logic can they support mutually exclusive findings?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, exposes some of the holes in the “hypothesis” of evolution that appear when the quest for accurate data takes a back seat to interpretation …

MORNING SHOW, APRIL 14, 2020: Genesis 11 …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, takes us onward into Genesis 11 …

MORNING SHOW, APRIL 7, 2020: Genesis 10

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience explore the history contained in Genesis 10 …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 31, 2020: Eight entered the ark. So, how many disembarked? There may have been at least one more …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, informs us that Ham and his wife may have welcomed a newborn while riding out the flood …and their could have been more.

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 24, 2020: Genesis Chapter 8 and the beginning of animal sacrifice …or might that have come earlier in the Garden?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, reveals some of the details about the beginning of animal sacrifice and the reason Noah was required to bring those 7 pairs of “clean” animals …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 17, 2020: Genesis 7 & 8, the 7-pair priority and trusting in birds …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, continues in Genesis Chapters 7 & 8 and explains why God specified 7 special pairs of animals to be chosen along with other details kept for the record by Noah …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 10, 2020: Judging by all the detail in Genesis 7 & 8, Noah must have kept a ship’s log …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, touches on development of a COVID-19 vaccine and then ventures into Genesis 7 & 8 and the Great Flood …