MORNING SHOW, MARCH 13, 2018: There’s water in them there diamonds!

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, discloses evidence for the veracity of Genesis, Chapter 7 (The Great Flood) in an article from The article reports on recent research that has discovered water in diamonds formed as deep as 300 miles down within the earth’s mantel and estimates that there […]

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 24, 2018: The Three Wisemen, more or less …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, wraps up his Advent series with a look at those wisemen, their gifts and the probable timing of their visit to Mary and the young Jesus (spoiler alert: if your Nativity Set includes wisemen, pack them away. They were no-shows at the “stable”) …

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 30, 2018: Of Mice, Men and Epigenetics – new research challenges evolution …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from the Institute for Creation Research that reveals research debunking evolution’s standard argument that the external environment causes adaptation in species …

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 16, 2018: An honest look at the data refutes global warming predictions …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, reports the findings in an article from that examines weather data from the past century that refutes predictions of more severe weather patterns caused by “global warming” …

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 9, 2018: The Human Body an example of poor design? Did God goof? …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, reviews an article from the Discovery Institute that examines the evolutionary notion that sweat glands, pain, poor eyesight and the lack of superpowers combine to prove that a real God could not possibly have been responsible for our inept design …

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 3, 2018: So, how did those first-century rabbis see God? …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, contrasts the way we in the West tend to picture our relationship with God with the views of first-century rabbis and explains why this is so very significant to a proper understanding of Scripture …

MORNING SHOW, JANUARY 2, 2018: “Shenanigans on the Cretaceous-Paleogene Boundary” explained …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, explains the meaning behind the cryptic title of an article from the Institute for Creation Research that reveals how evolution seems to be tripping itself up by discounting evidence damaging to their hypothesis …

MORNING SHOW, DECEMBER 20, 2017: Part IV of “Elizabeth & Zachariah” and Joseph and Mary’s arrival in Bethlehem …

Doug  Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, completes the story of Elizabeth and Zachariah and moves on to the oft-misreported arrival in Bethlehem of Joseph and an obviously pregnant Mary …

MORNING SHOW, DECEMBER 19, 2017: Just How Unnatural is ‘Natural Science”? …

Dr.  Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, confronts the seeming unnaturalness of what has come to be called “natural science”, precluding as it does evidence and conclusions that could validate the idea of spiritual engagement with the physical world …

MORNING SHOW, DECEMBER 12, 2017: Why listening to butterflies may be a worthwhile pastime …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, referencing a recent article from the Center for Science & Culture and the Discovery Institute, explains why listening to butterflies requires more than just a set of ears and how beauty and function combine to speak quietly and clearly of a Master Designer …