MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 9, 2016: Did God elect Donald Trump? …a look at how God has managed the nations.

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, takes a look at the election of Donald Trump and relates how human affairs have been used by God for His purposes in ages past exemplifying both the preceptive and the permissive will of God …

MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 2, 2016: Biblical context — the point of restoring the original meaning …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, explores the the point and purpose of restoring the original context to Scripture and illustrates his thesis with an explication of Christ’s last words from the cross and the parable of the “Ten Minas” from Luke 19 …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 26, 2016: Discipling is simply the fabric of day-to-day Christian life …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, discusses some recent enlightening events …or “aha!” moments that have both altered and enlarged even Doug’s paradigm regarding the nature of discipleship …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 25, 2016: The old, cold earth assumption is evolution’s stumbling block …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from the Institute for Creation Research that offers a critical look at the evolutionist’s presumption of an old, cold earth struggling to keep warm in the light of a young, anemic sun and the dilemma posed by […]

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 18, 2016: On the verge of made-to-order babies? …just because we can?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, elucidates an article from the OneNewsNow website describing genetic experimentation with human fetuses which also asks some very pertinent ethical questions about such research …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 12, 2016: Luke 19 …at last, the difference between “doing business” and turning a profit …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, tends to some long held and frequently taught misconceptions about those ten minas and what constitutes a “return on investment” in Jesus parable found in Luke, Chapter 19 …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 11, 2016: The Nephilim, Jericho and that new baby with 3 parents …what’s the deal here?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from The Guardian dealing with the scientific and ethical implications of a recent birth involving the mitochondrial DNA from a donor mom that, technically, resulted in a healthy baby with three parents …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 5, 2016: So, what is that Ten Minas thing all about? …no, really.

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times begins a series explaining the contextual meaning behind the parable in Luke 19 which deals with the transfer of power to the Kingdom of God by referencing the Roman method of transferring civil authority in a puppet state during the first century …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 4, 2016: “Junk” DNA, telomeres, chimpanzees and the Tree of Life …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from the Institute for Creation Research detailing the history of what science long thought of as “junk DNA” and how it pertains to humans, chimpanzees and that Tree of Life  reputed to have been in a certain garden to […]

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 27, 2016: Archaeological evidence of climate change in biblical times …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, discusses an article from the Institute for Creation Research that reveals evidence of climate change in ancient Jordan, helping us to better comprehend and explain what we read in the oldest book of the Bible …