MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 10, 2023: Antibodies that still function after tens of thousands of years ? What’s wrong with this picture?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines findings reported in an article from the Institute for Creation Research that antibodies found in mammoth bones are still healthy and functional even though radiocarbon dating indicates they are tens of thousands of years old. So …can we rely […]

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 3, 2023: Genesis 3 …serpent, snake, dragon or an upright bipedal creature who could speak?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines a Coffman’s Commentary on Genesis 3 that speculates that “the serpent” may have been something other than reptilian.

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 26, 2023: Should laws regarding AI be contemplated in the absence of ethical considerations?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, takes a hard look at a U.S. Senate sponsored conference on artificial intelligence where only technology was represented to the exclusion of ethicists, philosophers and theologians, as reported in a recent Breakpoint podcast …

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 20, 2023: Mining for rare metals requires huge amounts of precious ground water …think EV’s.

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, addresses the threat posed by mining the materials needed for EV batteries, solar panels and wind turbines, likely creating new deserts around the globe as related in an article from the Epoch Times.

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 5, 2023: There is no climate emergency and CO2 is good for you …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, Sharon and the Morning Show audience, relays the findings on climate change in a letter signed by over 1,600 scientists emphatically refuting the notion that man has caused a climate emergency by contributing immensely to CO2 in the atmosphere.

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 29, 2023: Manifold causes are contributing to hot spots and wildfires, CO2 is not one of them …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and the Morning Show audience, examines some of the many factors contributing to locally hot weather and tragic wild fires, refuting the spurious claims that climate change is the culprit …as addressed in an article from the Cornwall Alliance.

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 22, 2023: The neat trick of doubling the suspected age of the universe to allow for even older things, and the contemplated resurrection of the wooly mammoth …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, considers an article from the Cornwall Alliance on DNA research calculated to “de-extinct” the wooly mammoth by 2027 and offers comment on the idea to double the age of the universe to accommodate the recent discovery of celestial bodies thought […]

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 15, 2023: The Quaintly Chimerical Notion of “Settled Science”

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, questions the validity of so-called “settled science” in both the areas of the new EPA regulations on CO2 emissions and the faith system known popularly as “evolution” as discussed in a recent Breakpoint program …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 8, 2023: Appetite for AI humanoids reminiscent of the Tower of Babel …so, history does rhyme!

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from The Federalist tracing the motivation to develop artificial intelligence in the likeness of humans back to Genesis 11 and the Tower of Babel.

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 1, 2023: What’s the difference between mRNA and modRNA vaccines? One is unpredictable and potentially deadly.

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, reveals the deception employed by big pharma in the propagation and selling of the COVID vaccines as detailed in an article from the Epoch Times …