MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 10, 2014: Why history? Why context?

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times discusses, along with Jim and David, his 25 years of endeavoring to reconstitute the study of historical and cultural context to Bible teaching within America’s evangelical church …

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 9, 2014: Debunking “Your Inner Fish”

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, examines the claims of paleontologist Neil Shubin in his book entitled Your Inner Fish which presumes to establish a link between his fossil find of the ancient lobe fish tiktaalik roseae and the evolution of human beings …

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 1, 2014: Methane Plumes off the Atlantic Coast

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, draws our attention to the recent discovery of hundreds of seeping methane plumes off the Atlantic coast stretching from North Carolina to Massachusetts, another “greenhouse” type of gas bubbling upwards from immense colonies of bacteria …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 27, 2014: The Grace-Truth Teeter Totter and John 4

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times explains his simile of the “Grace-Truth Teeter Totter” and it’s application during the conversation between Jesus and the woman at the well in John, Chapter 4. Doug also elaborates on the difference between “Grace Givers” and “Truth Tellers” as applied to the discipling process …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 20, 2014: Slavery in Imperial Rome

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times details, along with Jim and David, the nature of slavery in the Roman Empire as a means to a more accurate understanding of Paul’s slavery metaphors in his New Testament writings …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 6, 2014: Roman Slavery

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times discusses, along with Jim, the nature and character of slavery in Roman times compared to 17th and 18th century America and offers commentary on the decline of discipleship in the American church …


Dr. Don Clark, biochemist and member of the board at Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, addresses an article recently posted by the Institute of Creation Research which elaborates  the notion …or myth …of “Deep Time” and its ramifications for geology and the young-earth creationist position …


Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, offers comment on the perceived demise of western evangelicalism and contrasts its methods with those of Jesus in His approach to the woman at the well in John, Chapter 4 …


On the Morning Show today Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, discussed a recent article from Answers in Genesis that explains how the earth’s coal deposits could have been laid down in a matter of months, as opposed to eons, and how the supply of vegetation necessary to form the […]


Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments joins Jim and David for a look at a recent post on the Institute of Creation Research web site rhetorically asking if Adam really lived for 930 years and displaying evidence that lifespans have followed a predictable course downward since the time of Noah and correlate with what we […]