MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 2, 2016: Biblical context — the point of restoring the original meaning …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, explores the the point and purpose of restoring the original context to Scripture and illustrates his thesis with an explication of Christ’s last words from the cross and the parable of the “Ten Minas” from Luke 19 …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 26, 2016: Discipling is simply the fabric of day-to-day Christian life …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, discusses some recent enlightening events …or “aha!” moments that have both altered and enlarged even Doug’s paradigm regarding the nature of discipleship …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 12, 2016: Luke 19 …at last, the difference between “doing business” and turning a profit …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, tends to some long held and frequently taught misconceptions about those ten minas and what constitutes a “return on investment” in Jesus parable found in Luke, Chapter 19 …

MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 5, 2016: So, what is that Ten Minas thing all about? …no, really.

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times begins a series explaining the contextual meaning behind the parable in Luke 19 which deals with the transfer of power to the Kingdom of God by referencing the Roman method of transferring civil authority in a puppet state during the first century …

MORNING SHOW, SEPTEMBER 14, 2016: Which Bibles should be in your library?

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times talks with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience about some of his preferred reference books, including which Bibles  he uses to assemble his teaching materials and approaches to biblical context, giving special mention to the new Cultural Backgrounds Study Bible from Zondervan …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 24, 2016: Five “spaces” the organic church needs for effective discipling …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience,  shares his ongoing initiative to determine a structural formula to assist the organic church in it’s development of meaningful and genuine discipling programs.

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 10, 2019: What’s ailing adult Christian education in the western church? …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times joins Jim, David and the Morning Show audience to diagnose the condition of adult Christian education in the western evangelical church and propose some remedies as the culture continues to lose sight of just who God is …

MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 3, 2016: Some unintended consequences of Western-style “discipleship” …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim, David and Morning Show listeners, delves a bit deeper into discipleship and the unintended consequences of Western church teaching and practices regarding what constitutes a true disciple of Christ …

MORNING SHOW, JULY 27, 2016: Does your church have a biblically-supported mission statement. Really?

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times discusses with Jim, David and Morning Show listeners the need for careful consideration and crafting of a biblically supported mission statement for every church …

MORNING SHOW, JULY 20, 2016: How far are we from true discipleship?

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times talks with Jim and David and the Morning Show audience about the new Discipleship Reset Project now being formulated to both ascertain and teach the means by which we can truly understand and choose to follow Jesus’ calling …