MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 15, 2016: After 20 years in the fields, are GMO’s starting to hurt us?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines an article from the Mercola web site detailing the effects of genetically modified food products on children and touting the new movie Consumed, and another expaining a 2013 Washington State court decision that went against the Grocery Manufacturers Association for hiding the identities of major contributors to a political campaign that sought a requirement to label foods as containing GMO’s …


  1. I am very glad for Genetically Modified Organisms, as long as they are in the organism’s own kind/species.

    Thanks to GMO, many countries, like India, are able to not only feed their own population now, but to export to other countries. Perhaps one reason some people are against GMO is because they don’t want poor people to have access to cheap food?

  2. A couple of minor corrections. The salmon is known as Aquabounty. As far as I know, peanuts have not been genetically modified, so peanut allergies are the result of a different problem. Likewise, celiac disease, which is due to components of wheat, which as far as I know, have not been genetically modified. This is overall an excellent podcast. I should make note of the fact that many proponents of GMO foods claim increased yields. This has not been proven to be the case. Either the change is negligible, or they can cause crop failure. The fact that GMO cotton was not designed for the low rainfall climates in India meant that when Indian farmers (who are dirt poor to begin with) mortgaged their farms to pay for this highly expensive seed, planted this cotton, they had crop failures. At this point, they had lost everything. Over 100,000 of them have committed suicide by drinking Roundup. Roundup, by the way, is highly toxic and carcinogenic, but Roundup-Ready crops can take a much higher dose, so we get MORE Roundup if we eat GMO crops, even though the industry promised LESS. And he did mention superweeds, that have become resistant. These can have stems so thick they’re like tree trunks, and nearly impossible to cut down. Many acres (I believe over a million in the United States) have had to be abandoned because they have been infested with superweeds. Since they are HIDING these ingredients, I have no choice but to refuse to buy ANY corn, soy, etc., of any kind, unless it is labeled organic, in order to avoid eating GMO, which we will not do. What you may not know, however, is that when a hospital patient gets a stomach tube, the food they feed is LOADED with GMOs (corn, soy), and they are being force fed this stuff, and the resulting malaise of patients is significant. We experienced this firsthand. In order to avoid this problem, which they will NOT WARN you about, we had to buy expensive food online at our own expense, to feed. And feeding this kind of stuff is considered standard of care! In one hospital, they were routinely testing for high blood sugar and giving insulin, even to people who don’t even have diabetes, because the corn syrup causes sugar spikes. They did this to everyone. And by the way, marshmallows are almost totally made of corn syrup, so they are effectively feeding their patients marshmallows. Dr. Russell Blaylock specifically wrote that stroke patients who receive this stuff actually REGRESS, become WORSE, on this stuff. And this is not something you can walk away from, and when they tell a patient he needs a stomach tube, he will be getting this kind of trash, because that is simply what they DO.

    • Very true, but I have read that wheat also is contaminated, I buy organic bread…and take lots of probiotics, which should be mandatory with the inflammatory bowel disease, leaky gut, and other stomach inflammation issues prevalent especially since GMO food has been grown.
      I cut out a St. Louis Post Dispatch article several yrs. back showing a study giving pigs GMO grain vs. pigs eating non-GMO… the GMO fed pigs developed severe stomach inflammation and overweight……is that not what people have today? The obesity you see today is terrible. When you look at the die off of butterflies and bees, linked to pesticides and weedkillers….this is a monumental threat to all life, even amphibians and fish are showing genetic abnormalities in recent decades. How long will it take for our scientists and the public to speak out, to see the whole picture here? You have to stop taking the word of people whose livelihood depends on producing this abnormal food, and read alternate news. Many countries have in fact banned GMOs and toxic pesticides, and studies do show no benefit in production with these.

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