MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 22, 2016: Getting Warmer – Physicist Michio Kaku sees God as “Cosmic Music” …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines the recent thinking of reknowned physicist Michio Kaku on the nature of intelligent design, string theory, 11-dimensional hyperspace and the Creator God as “cosmic music”.


  1. I wonder if the anti-GMO crowd are so upset about GMO when it is done by grafting and cross-pollinating?

    • Daniel, grafting and cross-pollination are time honored techniques to manage an agricultural outcome and are not the same as genetic modification …though, for example, GMO wheat or corn can cross-pollinate a neighboring field of a pure strain of either. Thanks for your thoughts!

  2. If God had wanted us to eat GMO foods he would have created them..Some men think that they know more than God, so they mess with our food and water..Then people wonder why there is so much disease ..
    There is disease because of original sin.. God allows us to conquer a disease but then we get another new one..
    The Black Plague, Polio,Measles,Chicken Pox and the list goes on and on..
    Now we have Ebola, Zika virus, and Aids to name a few..And lets not forget the cancer that is attacking our children..
    So instead of cheering for GMO’s ,lets pray that God forgives us for tampering with his creations and enjoy the natural
    food that we have..
    Pay attention and eat what is fresh and as organic as possible..

  3. Don’t mess with mother Nature.

  4. I would say “right on” to the observation of Glen Linscheid!


  5. Glen Linscheid says

    Come on Sandy, you want us to live like animals outside now? Our Lord lived in houses, and BTW, cultivation is also not natural, plants growing in rows after tilling. I think God expected us to use our minds to grow our foods.
    As for the GMO’s, I don’t know one way or the other about that. It may be that God expects much greater advances over nature than we’ve had,

    He told us to “And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.” Genesis 1:28

  6. Let’s see we chlorinate God’s water so we don’t get sick. We are glad to do a lot locomotion by car rather than on foot. We enjoy may hybrid flowers. We like our indoor plumbing in place of God’s great outdoors. Etc. Scientists discover God’s world, describe it and find ways to use it. GMO foods are a gift from God to feed the many people on this earth. And yes, the spinach and the onion deaths were organic!

    • GMOs are a gift from God? To my mind, that borders on blasphemy! God told the Israelites not to mix fibers in clothing, and here they are, mixing genetic material from species from such diverse places as the animal and plant KINGDOMS. God told everything to reproduce after its own kind, and you are mixing kinds in totally unnatural ways. No, God doesn’t tamper with His designs to that extent. This doesn’t correct the consequences of sin on the world of nature. It multiplies them.

  7. Audra Webber says

    I would like to know what evidence you’re looking at in regards to Organic Produce Contamination. My experience in my geosphere, in recent history, all of our produce recalls have been for conventionally produced produce. Examples being the cantaloupe, and spinach that were recalled more recently. I’m not aware of any organic recalls? Not that there aren’t, but I’m interested in knowing the actual numbers on recalls for both conventional and organically produced produce.

    On the GMO front, I also wonder how man can make a better product than God?

  8. To Dr.. Don, Clark on your article detailing the effects of genetically modified food.

    I work in agricultural engineering. I know both sides of the argument, Organic verses GMO.

    Organic sounds great, but the greatest number of deaths come from these kinds of foods.
    It is because of microbe contamination in the handling system.
    It also has very low crop yields per given acre.

    GMO have chopped up genetics, bringing together the best of characteristics.
    It produced drought resistance pest resistance and much higher yield, as much as 1000%
    In a world of 7 billion and increasing drought and pest problems, organic options is an elitist fetish.
    I am a researcher at the new Creation Science Centre in Cornwall Canada

    • John, thanks for your insights! We’ll pass your comment along to Dr. Don …

    • Thank you for stating your conflict of interest problem. In other words, you are smarter than God. Right. If GMOs are so wonderful, you would WANT to label them. Why is your industry fighting to HIDE this from people? The facts show that GMOs do NOT give higher yield. In some cases, they cause crop failure. They’re creating superweeds that force people to abandon acreage. Organic is the way God intended us to grow food. It is possible to get incredibly high yields. It is much more nutritious, so a person requires less food for the same benefit. It has made a huge difference in our health. And it tastes better.

    • We should at least have food labeled. Then people have a choice, and that is what freedom is about. People can choose GMO vs. non-GMO. That is a no-brainer.

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