Dr. Don Clark, biochemist and board member with the Creation Moments Ministry, talks about the history and origins of the Faith-Science Dichotomy and helps us consider whether or not this is a “war” worth fighting …



  1. Dale Kretschmer says

    I listened to and enjoyed your interview with Dr. Don Clark, a director on the board for Creation Moments. I also listen regularly (and receive emails) from Creation Moments on my Christian radio station in Wisconsin. On the subject of the debate between Creation as told in the Bible vs, godless evolution, one has to remember a very important point. Two key Bible passages come to mind. Romans 8:7 states “the sinful mind (by our nature) is hostile to God. It does not submit to God’s law, nor can it do so.” The other verse in I Cor 12:3 says “..and no one can say, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit.” Reasoning with a non-believer on the subject of evolution vs. creation is futile, unless the Holy Spirit has first enabled them to understand and believe the truth. Faith must always come first, 100% by the power, and to the credit of the Holy Spirit. Then, and only then, will it be possible to believe in creation and believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior. All the intelligent arguing, convincing, and reasoning will not work on someone who has absolutely no faith wrought by the Holy Spirit.

    • Thanks for your comments, Dale. I would like to mention that, in presenting these conversations to the public and demonstrating a willingness to address both sides of an issue, those who are moved by the Spirit to investigate this thing called “Christianity” will have access to knowledgeable discourse on these matters that they may not get on traditional Christian radio. Those on the periphery of the Church are some of our most desired listeners. We may also be able to provide committed Christians with some new perspectives to aid in their own thought processes.

      Dr. Don is going to be a considerable blessing to our efforts at Broken Road Radio. Glad you enjoyed the program!

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