MORNING SHOW, APRIL 8, 2015: When Christianity took Rome, Rome took Christianity …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, previews his Reflections newsletter that will be distributed later today, explaining how Rome fundamentally altered Christian worship practices and determined their character for centuries to come …

MORNING SHOW, APRIL 1, 2015: Pilate’s hot seat between a rock and a hard place …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, presents us with some of the social and political backstory of Passion Week — Tiberius, Pontius Pilate, the Parthians, the Sadducees and the Sanhedrin — and “where was that Upper Room really?” …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 31, 2015: The “Cambrian Conundrum” …not so big a mystery, really.

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, brings to light an article  from The Institute of Creation Research that itself sheds light on the so-called “Cambrian Conundrum”, a puzzle  that has long baffled evolution believers and continues to confound attempts to explain it away using circular logic, including the supposed “DNA Clock” … 

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 24, 2015: The “Carolina Butcher” …rather carelessly assembled, we think.

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, comments on a Reuters News Service article reporting the recent find of an ancient and rather ungainly crocodile-like critter that walked upright and lived on land some 213 million years ago, so they say …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 18, 2015: Discipleship on life support? Why is that?

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, offers a diagnosis of the widely reported ills (and, perhaps, the demise) of discipleship in the Western evangelical church …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 17, 2015: Evolution claims we’re getting bigger? Really?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments takes a critical look, along with Jim and David, at an article from UPI on a purported finding by evolutionists that animals, and marine animals in particular, in conformance to “Cope’s Rule”, have been growing larger over time …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 11, 2015: The Honor/Shame Culture …it’s a big deal here, too.

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times, along with Jim and David, talks of the changes in ministry approach necessitated by the realization that the honor/shame aspects of the Gospel have been largely overlooked in Western evangelism to our own detriment …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 10, 2015: Found …our oldest “known” human fossil?

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and David, examines the claim of an article in The Blaze asserting that the LD 350-1 mandible, estimated by anthropologists to be 2.8 million years old, is, in fact, “the oldest known human fossil” …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 9, 2015: The NRB and Christian Media …a debriefing

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments and Sharing International joins Jim and David for a wrap up of his experiences at the National Religious Broadcasters convention in Nashville and a look at Christian media in general …

MORNING SHOW, MARCH 4, 2015: Just back from Israel …

Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times recounts his recent 2-week stay in Israel, referencing in particular a stop at the natural amphitheater where Jesus would have delivered the Sermon on the Mount …