MORNING SHOW, OCTOBER 23, 2018: Surprise! Money trumps science …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim and the Morning Show audience, examines a National Review article by climatologist Patrick J. Michaels in which Michaels reveals the greed behind the global warming frenzy …


  1. Gary Sackman says

    Hi Dr. Clark,
    Just finished listening to the interview with Jim on the Morning Show about money and climate change. I have been fortunate enough to have worked with researchers in cancer prevention and cure at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and at a private biotech company where our researchers were involved in protein discovery and isolation in individual human cells. Money does determine the extent of the ability to start and finish the projects. But I believe this climate change is a bogus waste of time and money, I think it is the rebirth of earth worship. It is driven by a hatred of God the Father and evolutionary thinking. Sir Thomas Huxley, Aldous brother, said on public TV a few years ago, “the idea of God interferes with our sexual morae’s.” This was reported by D. James Kennedy during his lectures against evolution. I had a classmate 5 years ago, that was into climate change more seriously, than most “evangelical” Christians are into Christ. I said I didn’t believe in global warming or climate change. He was printing off National Science Foundation papers and distributing them at his own expense. He also said he believed in evolution. I told him it was a lie and so was global warming. Didn’t get a good response. Here is the irony of the entire movement. This guy lives in an older house and burns wood for heat, along with some NG in the winter. He drives a Jeep Wrangler that gets the mpg of an Army tank. Emissions, who knows. Yoga was also his religion. All of the elite climate change people do not care about the environment. They have their private jets and big limos (gas guzzlers) . Huge houses that require huge amount of energy to maintain. It is like their privilege to live as they desire and the commoners to pay the price for their ignorant beliefs. Doesn’t this sound like a modern Feudal state? Rulers in their castles and the common man (peasants) making them wealth. The bottom line is this is a lie from Satan to distract people from realizing their need for God and salvation through and in Jesus Christ. God knows what they are doing and someday He will put an end to it. As it says in the last verse of the Revelation of Jesus Christ, “come Lord Jesus”.

    God Bless,

    Gary Sackman
    Northern Michigan

    • Gary, thanks for your thoughts on the matter! It’s odd how both evolution and “climate change” tend to hold the same audience of adherents. Humanist through and through, we think.

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