MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 16, 2022: Turns out that “global warming” has been on and off again for thousands of years. Here are the stats …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, reviews the history of heat waves going back centuries and examines the climate data presented in an article from the Cornwall Alliance.


  1. Thank you for addressing the Global Warming subject on your program and referencing the excellent article, “1,500 Years Of Heatwaves” located on the Cornwall Alliance websiite. I have recently used his excellent article in one of our Adult Bible Classes to show the absolute ignorance and modern scientific incompetence of our era in this increasingly godless culture. Tie this in with the biblical droughts such as the seven years of famine during the time of Joseph in Egypt, or the drought during the time of Elijah the prophet, amongst others. At about the 25-26 minute mark, you speak about Communism being addressed about 90 years ago. The German-speaking CFW Walther spoke to this very issue in his four-lecture report entitled, “Communism And Socialism: Minutes Of The First German Evangelical Lutheran Congregation, UAC, at Saint Louis, Missouri. It was translated and published by CPH in Saint Louis, Missouri in 1879. We are currently doing a read-through and study of this document at present in another special adult Bible Class. Walther did an excellent job on this subject, and it was long before the 1930’s! If you would like a copy, we would gladly send it to you upon request. The correlations to our current political and governmental scene in this country at present are nigh unbelievable, but sadly the ignorance of the public at large is so great that they can no longer see it nor believe it. Lord, have mercy! God’s continued blessings to you in your work.

    • Karl, thanks so much for the thoughtful comments. The “ignorance of the public at large” is the root of so many problems and the trend began several generations back. We fear it will not be remedied in any election cycle, but may well take generations …assuming we are allowed the time. We have passed your thoughts along to Dr. Don.

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