MORNING SHOW, NOVEMBER 15, 2022: Who’s gonna clean up this mess? All those animals? Genesis provides all the clues you need…

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience. takes an in -depth look at the details of maintaining all those critters on the ark as explained in an article from the Institute for Creation Research. Clue #1 …it was a much different world than we know today. Clue #2 …go back to Genesis 1:1 and look for the context.


  1. Hi,
    when God spoke to Noah and gave him the dimentions we are knowing what the bible say of dimentions after the flood with numbers from mans size .. what if Noah and his sons were bigger than we think they were, so then would be the ark … also God could have sent all babies or the very young, being they would be more resiliant .. just a thought.. Thanks , God Bless

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