MORNING SHOW, DECEMBER 13, 2022: Nuclear fusion works! …or does it? And the FDA spouts disinformation about ivermectin …

Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments, along with Jim, David and the Morning Show audience, examines a claim in a FOX News article that an experiment in nuclear fusion finally produced a net energy gain after 50 years of experimentation. Don rightly questions the results (as subsequent reports have shown). Next, he refutes recent FDA claims about the effectiveness of ivermectin against COVID …


  1. Thanks, Debi, for your comments. I would agree that “old fashion nuclear reactors” are not clean. But it seems that the technology has moved on from that. Small Modular Reactors (SMR) being developed by Rolls-Royce looks very promising in solving some of our energy needs at least in the interim until fusion reactors can be made practical, which is at least 30-50 years off. Here is a link about them: . They discus recycling the fuel rods as a way of minimizing the nuclear waste. We would be interested in your thoughts on this.

    • Thank you for responding to me! In regard to SMR development:
      Low cost – box checked
      Deliverable -box checked
      Investable – box checked
      Global& Scalable – box checked
      Always ‘on’ – box checked
      Zero carbon – an imposed, but barely rational goal; but ok, box checked (I’m not carbon-phobic!)
      Is the new IAEA the old untrustworthy NRC? – box checked
      Clean – not checking this critical box!

      So, I respectfully posit that SMRs touted as the future’s solution to clean nuclear energy, will in fact generate more toxic radioactive waste. Please review: [UPDATED]Researchers Say SMRs Will Produce More Waste Than Large Nuclear Reactors, NuScale Disputes Claim
      These folks possess a whole lot more credibility than little ‘ol me. You’ll find this incredibly fascinating! Please let me know what you think.

  2. Love you guys but the mining of plutonium and the storage of spent nuclear rods creates an essentially eternal toxic waste problem. You call this clean energy? Fusion resolves some of the associated deadly problems. Read John Goffman, you know the brilliant doctor that worked on the Manhattan Project. He created the Committee for Nuclear Responsibility. I studied under him for years. His book: Radiation and human health. Old fashion nuclear reactors are hardly clean. Sorry guys. You’re over the target on everything except that!

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