MORNING SHOW, AUGUST 29, 2023: Manifold causes are contributing to hot spots and wildfires, CO2 is not one of them …


  1. The biggest ever climate change was of course the Genesis Flood, & its aftermath the ‘Ice-Age’ – & relating to CO2 etc, it was wonderful to hear evolutionists commentaining how the monstrous, biggest ever ‘Carbon Sequestration’ was the ‘Carboniferous to Cretaceous’ especially – when GOD buriied untold tons of calcerous fossiliferous material towards the end of the Flood!…..Then the biggest ever sedimentary depostion & continental Erosion in the Continental Shelves run-of, End Flood… So our planet has not yer settled down and has had warmer & colder periods as you say, but remember that 2 Peter 3 pertaining to Jesus returning ‘With the Fire Next Tme’ says, in the Greek, The ‘Elements are HEATING up’ not ‘Will heat up’…. LOOK at Revelations fiery SEALS, for instance!! We can discard anthropogenic Global Warming but not Climate Change….BIG TIME!!!!!!!!!!! MARANATHA! And I’m a 6 Day CreationisttoRevelation….

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