Dr. Don Clark of Creation Moments joins Jim and the Morning Show audience for a brief review of the life and thought of physicist Stephen Hawking and how close, and yet how far, Hawking came from fully comprehending the finely-tuned universe which comprises our assigned realm …
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For those who cling to the belief that seeing is believing, Hawking destroys that doctrine while lending strong evidence for what the reformers call irresistible faith. Few saw the magnitude and complexity of the universe than Stevie Hawking, but yet he didn’t see God because he Couldn’t see God, unless the Spirit quicken him.
So sad that he never received the LORD JESUS! I believe that GOD gave him every opportunity to confess that JESUS is LORD, even to his last few minutes on this Earth. The things he could have done for the LORD!
Hawking was an ‘atheist’ as soon as he could figure, pre-disease! But he did become more ‘convinced’ by his ‘research’ theories, and of course only became madder, finally coming up with, ‘The universe needed to exist, so created itself’! And just by gravity, of course….. His god, just more idolatry, Black Hole to Black Hole without passing Heaven….. And Hawking did become more sarcastic and deluded, even ‘running off’ with his devious, [1st-wife-hating] nurse – who was already married! – and alas, his 1st wife is only a nominal Christian, an out & out evolutionist not believing in Fall/Sin, seemingly an Universalist etc – if anything. Nothing new there! As Revelation says, they will still be shaking their asinine and rebellious fists at our Lord as he returns with fire…. MARANATHA! [not that we don’t give up trying to lead ’em to the light.]