Doug Greenwold of Preserving Bible Times discusses ways we might interject the teaching of biblical context into seminaries and local churches and the importance of doing so …



  1. Doug, I have been listing to archives. On April 18 you offered a tutorial on scripture study,would you pleases send one to me? Also I read in one of your news letters a reference to your preferred wide margin Bible. The search on the web was not clear enough to choose one. Should I wait untill you publish a study bible app– I would even buy a hard copy. Thanks for being a voice in the wilderness. Dianne Lindsey

    • Jim Park says

      Hello, Dianne …we will forward your request to Doug who should be arriving home from vacation. He’ll be on live tomorrow morning, barring any surprises. –Jim Park

  2. I can’t seem to find the 4/24/12 broadcast. Has it been posted yet?

    thanks <

    • We’ve had some technical problems today, Jan. The audio would not upload to the site for some unknown reason. Hopefully, it will be there later tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for your patience.

  3. Doug, can you please sent the tutorial you mentioned during today’s time with Broken Road?

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